Graphical Binary Tree

Created a Binary Tree application using AIE’s Bootstrap software to draw.

Animation Proof

Using 3rd party sprites, implemented animation from sprite sheets. Drawn with AIE’s Bootstrap software. Used Finite State Machines to manipulate and control the characters and their different animations.

Other Projects

Reverse Polish Notation Calculator, Hashing and Dictionary Implementations, Custom Math Library (Vectors, Matrix)

Used Bootstrap - a barebones AIE ‘game engine’ - to create a simple tank game utilizing rotation matrices and a physics simulation wherein I programmed all the collision mathematics.

Utilizing OpenGL, programmed shaders and rudimentary graphics from scratch.


First Frost

Explore a 3D forest, evading corrupted creatures and bringing peace to a world devoid of winter.

Final project as a student at AIE Lafayette. Developed in Unreal Engine 4.
Group student project with one other programmer and many artists.

Battle of the Vans

The crowd is waiting! Compete with up to 3 other players to control the airwaves, generating influence and taking over the music festival!

Created for AIE Game Jam 2019. Developed in Unreal Engine 4. I was the sole programmer on the project.
Winner of the AIE Game Jam INNOVATION Award.




Flocking Simulation

Wrote a 3D flocking simulation using Unity and C#.

Is modular. Can be plugged into any Unity Project and it will allow any objects in the engine to be used as flocking entities.

Smuggler’s Dilemma

Created for an AIE internal 8-hour game jam with no internet allowed. Developed in Unity.
We were given a set of art assets and a category and we had to assemble a game out of it.
This is a super-simple 2D stealth game.

Other Projects

Floppy Bird - Flappy Bird style game demonstration I use to teach beginner programmers. Using C# and Unity, they are able to make their own version of Flappy Bird in an hour or less.

Unity Physics - Exploration of Physics mechanics in Unreal engine. Utilizes Joints, Rigidbodies, Cloth Physics, Rotational Forces, Ragdolls, etc.